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Re: What to do if the upstream keeps debian directory in original tarball?

Am Dienstag, den 24.01.2006, 13:14 -0800 schrieb Stan Vasilyev:
> I have a situation with a Debian package xdialog: 
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xdialog.html
> The upstream author, Thierry Godefroy <xdialog@free.fr>, insists on keeping 
> the debian changes inside the upstream tarball, orig.tar.gz. This complicates 
> the development process. First of all, when he makes a new version of 
> xdialog, he sends it to the Debian maintainer (me). I then have to make 
> changes to the debian directory and send him the changes. Finally, he 
> releases the new upstream with Debian changes already included.
> What do I do with the Debian .diff.gz? Because of the above, it's hard to see 
> what's going on in .diff.gz to check the quality of the package. Also, it 
> makes it even harder to release incremental changes to the Debian package.
> I tried convincing the upstream to remove the debian directory, but so far he 
> refused. His argument is that a user should be able to download his tarball 
> and build it from source, build an rpm package or build a deb package.

The user can do an "apt-get source" from the Debian archives. I don't
see his point. As long as upstream ships _your_ Debian packaging files,
the user can use the source of the official Debian package and upstream
really doesn't need to ship the packaging files. Maybe you should also
tell him, that not every user getting the upstream sources may be happy
with your packaging files (e.g. because of your decision of
(build-)dependencies and configure options, different available library
versions in different Debian-based distributions, the usage of a special
patch- or build-system, ...). So shipping the Debian packaging files may
be more offending and annoying then not shipping them.

> I sent 
> one more e-mail to him where I presented an argument that his strategy slows 
> down the development process and introduces more problems than it solves.
> If Thierry refuses to remove the debian directory, would it be OK for me to 
> remove it myself and repackage pristine source without it? What else can I 
> do?

There are possibilities and also alternatives you can suggest. But first
try discussion.

Regards, Daniel

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