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Debconf Perl Help.

Hey there! 

I've been working on some debconf-perl stuff to get some package to
use debconf. But while shaping my helper scripts I got into some
wiredness and I'm really out of tricks to debug this one.

on the attached code you should notice that a call to sub
parse_template() makes debconf calls (get()) sit for ever. AND I
REALLY DON'T KNOW WHY ! as you can see in the code, calling a dummy
function doesn't brake anything and I don't think that
parse_template() does anything wired nor wrong...

Hope someone can help !
#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
use strict;
use Debconf::Client::ConfModule ':all';

debug ("first ", get("demo/boolean"));
debug ("after dummy() ", get("demo/boolean"));

my @ta = parse_template("/dev/null");

debug ("after parse_template ", get("demo/boolean"));

sub dummy {
    debug ("dummy");

sub parse_template {
    my @templates;
    for my $file (@_) {
	debug("opening `$file'");
	open (TEMPLATE, $file) or die "Could not open $file: $!";
	$/ = "";
	while (<TEMPLATE>) {
	    /^Template: ([\w\/]+)\n(?:.*\n)*Default: ([\w\/]+)/ 
		and push @templates, [[split /\//, $1], $2];
    return @templates;

sub dump_keys { 
    for (@{$_[0]}) {
	debug (join("/", @{$_->[0]}));

# shamelessly ripped from bugzilla's postinst-db.pl
# only here for debugging purposes.
sub debug {
    warn "DEBUG:\t".join(" ",@_)."\n";
Niv Sardi-Altivanik <xaiki+deb@cxhome.ath.cx>
Debian::GNU/Linux::Addict, Wannabe Debian Developper, 
please test my packages: http://cxhome.ath.cx/debian
> Random Fortune (To make your day better if not wiser) < 
El que canta, sus males espanta. 

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