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RFC: firebird2-1.5.2

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Hi, Mentors,

First, an introduction.

firebird2 packages need a recompile due to C++ ABI transition (#317314).
Current version is 1.5.1-4. Its codebase has problems compiling both
with gcc-3.4 and 4.0

I've decided to package 1.5.2, which is the upstream's solid-rock-stable
from long time ago. 1.5.2 compiles happily (besides several tons of
warnings) with gcc-3.4, but not with 4.0. So I stick with gcc-3.4

Upstream's oppinion on using 4.0 is basiccaly "dont use the last
compiler, it has bugs". I know they're wrong, but the only way of
proving it is by providing the patches, which I can't do. The next major
release (2.0) looks more promising to compile with 4.0. Unfortunatelly,
it is still in alpha.

Now, the request.

Since firebird is a beast to package (it produces 9 binary packages, 2
of which are shared libraries), and since everybody in the
firebird-packaging group[1] seems either busy or on vacation, I'll need
a sponsor to do the upload.

However, before asking for sponsorship, I'd like to ask you to give me
your comments on packaging.

Source/binary packages are available on

Upstream source can be downloaded from

Note that due to dpkg-source in sid not supporting .tar.bz2 upstream
tarballs yet, the orig.tar.gz is repackaged.

Your comments are very much welcome.


[1] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-firebird-general/
- --
Damyan Ivanov          0x9725F63B          Creditreform Bulgaria
divanov@creditreform.bg              http://www.creditreform.bg/
phone: +359(2)928-2611, 929-3993            fax: +359(2)920-0994
mob. +359(88)856-6067  ICQ 3028500  dam@jabber.minus273.org/Gaim
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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