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Re: RFS: mpich2 - An implementation of the MPI2 message-passing interface

Hi Zach,

On 19 Mar 2005, at 17:08, Zach Lowry wrote:
I'm a long time Debian-user, and this is the first time I'm looking to
become more actively involved in Debian development. I have been
creating a package for MPICH2 for the past 3 revisions, but I have just
now uploaded the package to debian-mentors. There are a couple lf
lintian warnings but nothing critical. The packages are available at
http://mentors.debian.net or at
http://torvalds.cs.mtsu.edu/~zach/debian/1.0.1. A more thorough
description of the software follows:

I noticed a little typo in README.Debian (``shoudl'' instead of should) and you might want to remove debian/conffiles.ex as it is an example file.

``It was downloaded from ANL MPICH2 CVS'': Could you please provide the URL to some source code anyway?

libstdc++5 and libstdc++5-3.3-dev are both build-essential and so is libgcc1, so you don't have to list those in the build dependencies.

You should delete all commented dh_* lines. Use them or lose them.
dh_installinit --name=mpd: Could this clash with [1]?

This package is distributed under the following license:

Looks reasonable to me.

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
Debian Developer

[1] http://packages.debian.org/unstable/sound/mpd

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