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Re: double-shlibs

On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 11:21:41AM -0400, -.JavaManiac.- wrote:
> I have the next linda-warning :
> W: libefltk2.0-dev; Shared object /usr/bin/ecalc is linked with
> version 6 and 5of libstdc++.

Without knowing the details of your special case I may note that this
linda warning is very often bogus du to how it works. To demonstrate
the problem here an example where it fails:

1) Installed on my system is kdelibs4
2) I compile a package in an unstable chroot against kdelibs4c2
3) I run linda on the package on my normal system
4) linda issues the warning since kdelibs4 and kdelibs4c2 have the
   same soname (so ldd thinks it can use the library installed on
   your system to run the executable from your unpacked package)
   but are compiled against different libstdc++ versions
   linda can not know that you can never actually _install_ your
   program and kdelibs4 together since you depend on kdelibs4c2
   which conflicts with kdelibs4
=> bogus warning

I can't tell of course if you're suffering from a similar problem or
if it is right in your case. Essentially, if you compile packages
in a chroot and your system differs from this chroot, the linda warning
will often be bogus.

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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