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DP Manual question: why is 11.8.5 so dated?

11.8.5 Packages providing fonts

States /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ must be used.

KDE, GNOME, and others install some fonts in /usr/share/fonts and others
in other places as well.


So why does this rule bother to blatantly demand something as law that so
many packages aren't and have never been held to follow?

X software is *specifically* designed to allow software to put fonts in
alternate places: and even map in fonts during program runtime.

It seems this rule (like man Debian rules) serves to limit and break
things rather than help things.

But X11R6 says .alias files should be provided by the END USER only.  But
debian allows some packages to over-alias the fonts in other packages. 
Now there's a good rule that isn't in DPM that should be.


In General:

1) I am seeing many debian rules in DPM that current debian maintainers
ignore selectively.

2) I am seeing documented *intentional* package compatibility issues in
build and in dpkg install areas.  This means older packages may stop
functioning in the new release.  I see nothign about the "new debian
rules" of merit that admonishes deleting other peoples (old) packages:
infact - I'd say the opposite.  It appears no package is safe in Debian:
they are all targeted to be burned like some Nazi bonfire.  And I'd say
DM's doing this are twits.

The Promises of old package not being damaged by current DMs were made in
DSC, are still made in the DSC, and should be kept.



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