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Re: depending on a customized library

On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 03:48:30PM -0400, Hubert Chan wrote:
> - just use libgc as-is, ignoring the performance hit

No problems with this option, other than the perf. hit.

> - add the Boehm gc tarball into the Asymptote source file, and let
>   Asymptote compile it the way it wants to.  However, this would result
>   in a big and ugly diff.

And you now have to keep it up-to-date for security fixes and porting

> - make debian/rules download the Boehm gc tarball.  Is this even
>   allowed?  Even if it is, it just feels wrong.

No, it's not allowed, and has the same problems as the second option, too.

> - ask Ryan Murray, current maintainer of libgc, to compile a
>   single-threaded version of libgc, or coordinate with him to get a
>   single-threaded version added to Debian.  I have no idea how the two
>   different versions of the library would interact with each other.

And I'm not too keen with creating debian specific ways to link with libgc.

> What is the best way to proceed?  Are there other options?

Talk to upstream about the performance hit, to see if there are other options.
If there's no other way around it, have a thread safe and non thread safe
version of the library under different names.  If upstream doesn't want to
create that, I don't want to, either...

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