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pptpconfig & php with pcntl support

Hello mentors,

I would like to ask the following:

really nice gtk-php app which deserves to be included in debian:

pptpconfig needs a php interpreter built with --enable-pcntl (it calls 
functions like: pcntl_signal(), pcntl_wifexited(), pcntl_wexitstatus(), 
pcntl_wifsignaled(), pcntl_wtermsig(), pcntl_wifstopped(), pcntl_wstopsig() 
for process signalling). OK it installs another interpreter with pcntl 
support enabled and uses it as well. Works well. 

Now if pptpconfig wants to hit the official debian archive the following 
options occur:

* things remain the way thay are now - with another php interpreter with pcntl 
support installed
* enable pcntl support in the official debian php packages - I have been told 
that it is insecure for serving web content. What are the exact reasons 
behind that ? 
* figure out a way to replace the current process signalling without using 
pcntl_* functions, but the support enabled in the official debian php 
packages. Unfortunately looking at php docs it seems not to be possible.

What is the best way to resolv the situation ? Thanks.

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