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RFC rather than RFS: openwbem, sblim-*, life -> WBEM stuff for Debian


I'd like to announce availability of OpenWBEM debs and some accompanying
packages (sblim-*, life);

Package(s) description:
OpenWBEM is implementation of the WBEM infrastructure - a standard of
managing/administering computer systems in distributed environments.
WBEM gives an OO way to configuring / administering / monitoring 
a computer system (that means, information about various system
components exposed via CIM Object Manager as a set of objects in 
some kind object-oriented 'database') and it is widely  implemented 
in many commercial offerings (most of commercial UNIX'es,
SuSE, Win2k has also a variation of WBEM called WMI). WBEM enabled
operating system has a special agent (daemon), called CIMOM which acts
somewhat similiar to an object broker, exposing functionality of
problem-specific plugins (instrumentation providers) to a remote
management tool which in turn act as client to the CIMOM.

Software packaged (and statuses):
- OpenWBEM - CIMOM implementation with some accompanying tools/libraries
(yet not reviewed by anyone)
- sblim-cmpi-base - some basic providers, implementing base OS and
computer system abstrations (not reviewed, software itself has some
stability problems)
- sblim-cmpi-fsvol - filesystem & volume management providers (not
reviewed, stability problems);
- sblim-cmpi-network - basic network subsystem information (not
reviewed, stability)
- sblim-wbemcli - simple WBEM client for command-line and python (python
client seems to be screwed IMO);
- life - a set of providers from Novell, covering sblim-cmpi-* and more
(quick&dirty packaging with an ugly dependency workaround, not fully
checked even by myself, subject to change);

Packages can be grabbed from http://www.pronet.pl/~rlewczuk
Just do not expect too much ;) 

These packages are parts of a project to integrate WBEM functionality
with Debian. It's still not very useful and lacks many things:
- instrumentation providers as in current form are ugly (ustable or
messy, sometimes both) and propably need to be heavily overhauled, maybe
with some parts rewritten; maybe some of these debs will be dumped in
favor of some more debian-focused implementations; 
- currently packages have some (still buggy) configuration scripts,
provider packages are able to automatically register in CIMOM and become
instantly available;
- tools/scripts/docs to show more functionality than just issuing WQL
- debian specific providers (package management for example) would be

Any kind of help/mentorship/etc. is welcome. 


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