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Re: [Debian] mod_spambot 0.42 packaged for Apache 1.3

* martin f krafft (madduck@debian.org) disait :
> Is this one of those tarpits that keep generating random links and
> addresses? Have you ever considered the bandwidth and performance
> impact these can have? I ran it for a week and got close to 17Gb
> traffic on a machine that otherwise gets about 3.

No, there is no reason that bandwith usage grows when using that module,
at the opposite, it will save a lot of unwanted downloads.

Quoting the upstream description, here is what it does:

    When the number of requests for a client exceeds a preset level, no
    more downloads are allowed for a preset time.

In short, it manages a blacklist of IPs that requested too much pages in
a given time range, user has the facility to set whitelist entries in the
module's configuration file.

Here is the default behaviour:

    If a client, that has not been whitelisted, downloads more than 100
    pages in an hour they are blacklisted unless there has been more
    than 10 minutes between the downloads. All the figures are
    configurable - those values are the defaults.

This module sounds to be well written and I suppose it might be
interesting to have it in Debian.

                                  Alexis Sukrieh <sukria@sukria.net>

« Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. » 
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.

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