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RFS(2): autoreply - A safe, rate-limited auto-responder

This is my second attempt at a Request for Sponsor, though admittedly, after being on Debian-mentors a few weeks, I realize how lame my first attempt was ( and thus probably why it merited no replies ).

This is a single binary package. It's small, lintian and linda clean, I have the blessing of the upstream maintainer, and have filed and ITP ( #292667 ).

At first glance autoreply looks very much like just another vacation clone, but it takes the behavior of vacation and takes it to another lever. The notable differences between autoreply and vacation are:

   * As opposed to vacation that is per-user replys, autoreply can
     reply with many different messages via a procmail recipe
   * It remembers who it has replied to recently, and won't reply to
     them again within a specified interval
   * It has a list of addresses that it will not respond to
     (MAILER-DAEMON, majordomo, listserv, etc)
   * It examines headers, checking them for mailing lists, and does not
     reply if it determines the mail is from a mailing list
   * In case these features are insufficient autoreply also has a rate
     limiter so that it will not send more than a specified amount of
     replies in a given time. The rate and interval are both

Hopefully someone will sponsor me, but if not, I would really appreciate feedback on crafting a better RFS.

Thank you.

Package information:

Name of package:  autoreply
License: BSD style

autoreply - A safe, rate-limited auto-responder

    Autoreply is a simple auto-responder useful for replying to
    email upon receipt,  designed to be used safely without

Available at: http://csacca.thecsl.org/deb/

Upstream: http://www.nemeton.com.au/sw/autoreply/

Thank you for your time,

-- Christopher Sacca

Version: 3.12
GCS/S d-(+) s+: a--- C++(++++) UL++(++++$) P++>+++ L++>+++ E---- W++ N
o? K- w--- O? M+ V- PS++ PE- Y+ PGP- t+ 5? X+(-) R+>++ tv- b+ DI+ D---
G e>+++ h!>- r*>++ y+

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