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[[:digit:]] - bashism?

Hello all,

Looking for some advice.  Recently a bug was filed on one of my packages
that really had me pulling my hair out - it turned out to be that the
test to make sure debconf input was numeric was failing because I use
[[:digit:]]* and the user's shell was dash.  I've checked the scripts
with checkbashisms, and it doesn't think that that's a bash specific
thing, but perhaps they missed it.

Looking here:
http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/toc.htm , it looks like
this is a POSIX expression, so I think I'm right, but I want to be sure
before I just reassign the bug to dash.

Does anyone know the POSIX standard well enough to know if this is a 
bug in dash, or a bashism?

|   ,''`.					     Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :					 sgran@debian.org |
|  `. `'			Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-					    http://www.debian.org |

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