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RFS (kind of) and newbieish problem; TyopoytaORvelo System MOnitor

I intend to package and maintain Torsmo, ( http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/ )
a light and simplistic resource monitof for X. I am in the process of
learning to properly use debian packaging tools, and already managed to make
a package that installs, uninstalls and works correctly, but I can't figure
out what lintian warns me about:

 $lintian -i torsmo_0.15-1_i386.changes 
W: torsmo source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
N:   When you NMU a package, that fact should be mentioned on the first
N:   line in the changelog entry.
W: torsmo source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.15-1
N:   A source NMU should have a Debian revision of '-x.x'. This is to
N:   prevent stealing version numbers from the maintainer (and the -x.x.x
N:   version numbers are reserved for binary-only NMU's).

What configs should I fix, or is this normal in some cases?

packages and other related files I made can be downloaded from

Also I need a sponsor when I get the guality of mu packaging work good
enough. If someone wants to sponsor me, I suggest that this version of
torsmo is not uploaded to archives, because the next version probably
gets released soon (and is better and more mature than this version)

       Juuso Tähkäpää

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