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RFS: qtfprot: Qt-based GUI for F-PROT Anti-Virus 4.x

Package: qtfprot
Maintainer: Lawrence Williams <lawrence_cecil_williams@hotmail.com>
Upstream Author: Christian Link (mlists@coffeecrew.org)
Upstream URL: www.kde-look.org
Debian URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/q/qtfprot/

Description: QTFprot is a QT-based frontend for F-Prot that makes it as easy to use as PC-Cillin for Windows!

I know viruses are currently not a big problem on Linux, but it would be nice to have a easy-to-use GUI for F-PROT be available in Debian. F-PROT 4.x is available in .deb form, so my package will just include the GUI and Depends: as needed.

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