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Re: Seeking sponsor for Emilda and related packages

On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 10:14:59AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> David Everly <deckrider@myrealbox.com> writes:
> > Oddly, I'm seeing lintian issues with perl documentation when building
> > these on sarge, such as the following:
> > W: libnet-z3950-perl: manpage-section-mismatch usr/share/man/man3/Net::Z3950::Connection.3pm.gz:132 3pm != 3
> > I: libnet-z3950-perl: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man3/Net::Z3950::Connection.3pm.gz:238
> > It appears this happens during the pod2man conversion.  I know how to
> > fix this after the conversion, but how to fix earlier in the process?
> There is an open bug about this against Perl and an argument about whether
> it's a Perl bug or a policy bug (since policy wants something else).  It's
> not possible to fix this before the conversion; the offending assumption
> is hard-coded deep inside ExtUtils::MakeMaker and would need a patch to
> Perl to fix properly.
> I'd appreciate any recommendations on dealing with this myself, as I'm
> running into this in several packages I'm working on.  For the time being,
> I've just been ignoring it, but I'm not sure if that's correct.

Well it looks like for "manpage-section-mismatch", ignoring works,
because ExtUtils/MM_Any.pm has been patched in Sid to fix the .TH header
generation to match the 1pm or 3pm file extension.  (I was looking for
the perl bug you mentioned and couldn't find it.  Then noticed that perl
versions were different between Sarge and Sid, so thought I should see
if it had fixed or changed.)

And as far as I know the policy is:  'Module packages must install
manual pages into the standard directories (see Documentation, Section
2.4) using the extensions .1p and .3pm to ensure that no conflict arises
where a packaged module duplicates a core module.'

Thus, once this new version of perl comes, a rebuild should fix the

Now regarding the hyphen-used-as-minus-sign issue, it seems that in some
cases pod2man should generate "\-", but instead produces only "-".  All I
know to do is to fix it after the man pages are generated.  Kind of a
non-answer, I know, but I don't know how else to address this one.
Hopefully, someone will have a better answer.

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