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install i18n-ized info files ?

Hi, all!

If a package includes several "info" documents in several languages,
what should I do with them?  

Is there a Debian policy regarding internatonalized texinfo docs?

Is there a way to tell the info system (apart @documentlanguage) that
several files are the same document in different languages?

If not, should I install all the "info" files (in different languages)
in the same section, or create a section for each language, or install
only the English version?

Thank you very much.

Cheers -- 


Carlos Enrique Carleos Artime                             ,  GNU.org  , 
Depto. de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa          /             \ 
          y Didactica de las Matematicas                ((__-^^-,-^^-__)) 
Universidad de Oviedo                                    `-_---' `---_-' 
                                                          `--|o` 'o|--' 
E-mail: carleos@coala.uniovi.es                              \  `  / 
Phone:  +34985181904                                          ): :( 
Fax:    +34985181902                                          :o_o: 
S-mail: Escuela de Marina Civil, E-33203                       "-" 

(eq 2day (cadr Ur-life))     "Today is the car of the rest of your life."

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