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Forwarding Bugreports

Isn't http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#forward self-contradictory?
| Make sure that the To field of your message to the author to has only
| the author(s) address(es) in it; put both the person who reported the
| bug and nnn-forwarded@bugs.debian.org in the CC field.
| Ask the author to preserve the CC to nnn-forwarded@bugs when they
| reply, so that the bug tracking system will file their reply with the
| original report.
| When the bug tracking system gets a message at nnn-forwarded it will
| mark the relevant bug as having been forwarded to the address(es) in
| the To field of the message it gets.

What will happen? The author replies *to* *me* and CCs nnn-forwarded,
and according to the last quoted paragraph the BTS will mark the
bugreport as forwarded *to* *me*. Either the documentation of what
nnn-forwarded does or the description "how to forward a bug-report" is

If the documentation of nnn-forwarded is correct, simply setting
"Reply-To: nnn@bugs.debian.org" in the initial message to the upstream
author (and nnn-forwarded) should work much better. - The discussion
is archived in the BTS and I get the messages anyway, because I'm
either the maintainer or at least subscribed to the package via PTS.
              thanks, cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

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