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[mindas@ziedas.ktu.lt: Bug#177332: libphp-adodb on testing should be applied to the stable]

Hi all,

just to make sure. Is the following bug report (problem) enough to
upload the libphp-adodb version from testing into stable?

I think not. It's only a feature request for the old version which is
already included in the latest libphp-adodb version. And the in testing
is much newer then the stable version: it's internal complete new
version with many code rewrites.

Should I do nothing an tag as wontfix? Or try to upload into stable?
Any comments?

Thanks for your help...


----- Forwarded message from Mindaugas Zaksauskas <mindas@ziedas.ktu.lt> -----
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Bug#177332: libphp-adodb on testing should be applied to the stable

Package: libphp-adodb
Version: 1.51-1

The version of libphp-adodb package on stable release should be upgraded
to (at least the one that exists on testing). The reason is obvious:
when I use the function GetUpdateSQL, it returns me the query string that
_contains_no_ WHERE clause, e.g.

$updateSQL = $conn->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $record);

gives me "UPDATE FOO set bar=1".

I guess this will be quite strong argument. Also, it'd be great if
the package upgrade script should change the php.ini include path.
Stable has

include_path = ".:/php/includes:/usr/lib/adodb"

and after the upgrade to the version 2.50-1 (that is currently available
on testing), the new (and *correct*) location of the adodb library is

include_path = ".:/php/includes:/usr/share/adodb"

However, there are no suggestions to fix this path for php4-apache,
php4-cgi package installations.

If you need any aditional details on this - don't hesitate to mail me.

Mindaugas Zaksauskas

----- End forwarded message -----

Thorsten Sauter

				(Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?)

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