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RFS: Quickppp


As you can guess, I am currently looking for a sponsor for quickppp.

Quickppp is currently orphaned. It is a little configuration tool for

It is as powerful as pppconfig, but might be useful.
Anyway, as it has a pending security bug, I really think it must be
taken over.

I made a new package for it. You can find it at:

The package is lintian and linda clear (except the newer standards).

Here is the Changelog:

quickppp (1.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * New Maintainer. Closes: #188176
  * Fixed insecure use of system. Closes: #173998
     (Thanks to Steve Kemp)
  * Bumped up standards version to 3.6.1 (no special changes)
  * Improved rules script

Clément Stenac

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