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Re: YMMFPQ (Yet More My First Package Questions)


* Thomas -Balu- Walter <debian@b-a-l-u.de> [2003-08-27 18:07]:
| As usual I've used the New Maintainers' Guide to get started and nearly
| all went well. Besides two warnings lintian gives me:
| W: camsource source: newer-standards-version 3.5.10
| -> which should be fixed by a new lintian version; I've used the one
|    from testing
| W: camsource: postinst-should-not-set-usr-doc-link
| -> should be fixed with a new debhelper (if built on unstable e.g.)
| So I can ignore those warnings, correct?

you _must_ use sid/unstable to build your packages. If the package is
only for yourself, you can safely ignore the lintian warnings above.

| Another problem I experienced is that I have to start dpkg-buildpackage
| using -kdebian@b-a-l-u.de, because it tries to find a key related to
| 'Thomas -Balu- Walter <debian@b-a-l-u.de>', but gpg stored my key as
| 'Thomas Walter (Balu) <debian@b-a-l-u.de>'.
| Is it a bug or a feature that dpkg-buildpackage doesn't only use the
| email address to make gpg search for keys?

dpkg-buildpackage tries to sign the package with your name, which is
used in the debian/changelog file. You can change the name (and email)
in this file to the name which is used for your gpg key.

| Checking the contents of the .deb lists some include-files which should
| not be there IMHO. Am I supposed to put them in a camsource-dev package
| as they are only needed if one wants to develop new modules? What would
| be the best way to handle those?

fixing the makefile or simply removing the include files after the "make
rm -fr $(CURDIR)/debian/camsource/usr/include


Thorsten Sauter

				(Is there life after /sbin/halt -p?)

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