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Re: Sponsor for a bootstrapping Java++ compiler

> >To achieve this I use the "deb-makepkg" script below. 
> >
> Thanks a lot, I will look at this. Shouldn't this advertised
> publicly, and a package made for it?

I have rewritten my script in Perl, cleaned it up, removed hard coded
values and now both package name and version are extracted from
debian/changelog. I put together a Debian package called "j-misc"
which for the moment just contains "j-buildpackage" (new name of the
script) and a template manpage.

You can find the package and browse the CVS repository here:


All suggestions are welcome!


http://www.jerryweb.org/         : JerryWeb.org
http://sailcut.sourceforge.net/  : Sailcut CAD
http://mpf70.sourceforge.net/    : MPman MP-F70 support for Linux

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