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Re: upstream bugs

In article <[🔎] 200303291957.00928.tommaso.m@tiscalinet.it> 
tommaso.m@tiscalinet.it writes:
>I'm maintaining two Debian packages and both have an upstream bug, which I've 
>already reported to the upstream authors. The bug fixes will be included in 
>the next upstream release. 
>My question is: 
>Should I wait for a new upstream release or should I apply the fixes to the 
>current packages to get rid of those bugs as soon as possible?

(I'm someone in the NM queue, so my answer should not be taken as

The answer is: it depends

How serious is the bug?

When is a new upstream release expected?

Does the fix have any negative side-effects?

Are you willing and able to support the fixed package if upstream
doesn't release the fix?

For normal bugs, I would be willing to willing to wait a month or two
for an upstream release.  This is really a judgment call that you
should make as package maintainer.

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
"Text is a way we cheat time." -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden

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