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Looking for a sponsor for bmf

I've written a Bayesian e-mail filter, http://sourceforge.net/projects/bmf/
From the project page:

  bmf is a self contained and extremely efficient Bayesian mail filter. See
  Paul Graham's article "A Plan for Spam" for background information. It aims
  to be faster, smaller, and more versatile than similar applications.

I would like to become a Debian developer to maintain my own package (and a
few others) and find a sponsor.  Toward that end, I am also in the process
of contacting a current Debian developer to sign my GPG key but he has not
yet responded.  If anyone reading this message is in or near Seattle, WA and
would like to sign my key, please let me know.

The intelligence of any discussion diminishes with the square of the
number of participants.
        -- Adam Walinsky

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