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Re: New Package - adsl-austria?!

Martin Eitzenberger (psiplus@gmx.net) wrote:
> I made a package for the People in Austria wich are using PPtP ADSL,
> with the required Bootscript and a large documentation...

I don't think this is worth an extra package. The only useful
extension to pptp-linux is the bootscript, you could try to contact
the pptp-linux maintainer to include that. The documentation itself
is a collection of examples and summary of documentation already
available in other packages like ppp. 
The README.Debian of pptp-linux says 'The documentation is not
sufficient right now' so again, you could try to arrange with the
pptp-linux maintainer. (But first I'd correct the texts, they're full
of grammatical mistakes, and stuff like 'ask on at.linux' shouldn't be
in a Debian package, if you ask me...)


Gordon Fraser                   Software is like sex; it's better when
gordon@freakzone.net            it's free.
http://www.freakzone.net        	-- Linus Torvalds

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