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Looking for Advocate/Sponsor

Hello all,

I am looking for an Advocate/Sponsor.  I have been developing free software
for some time and wish to increase my user base (and developer base too!) by
releasing debian packages for my work (it would also give me a warm and
furry feeling to be assisting with Debian).  I have been able to create
lint-free debian binary packages for my xmldb library (xmldb.sf.net) and
will shortly get around to working out making a source package as well.  My
other major projects include a Java Decompiler (written in C) and a mod
music tracker called KegTracker, both of which I rarely work on these days,
but it would be a pity if they were not made more available.

I've recently moved to London and if I can get someone here to sign my key,
it's possible that I can get one of the debian developers I know back in
Sydney to sponsor my package.  But it would probably be easier to get
someone here to do that too.

Any takers?

Best regards,
Pete Ryland

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