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Re: library version equals to project version ?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 02:17:52PM +0100, Eric Van Buggenhaut wrote:

> I maintain iiwusynth, which until now shipped unversioned libraries. I
> have been discussing with upstream author for the past days and he
> agreed that versioning libraries is certainly a good thing.

> He's in the process of versioning his libraries but asked me details
> about the versioning scheme, and I'm not sure what the correct answer
> his...

> In two words, his question is: should a binary and the library it depends on
> have the same version number ?

They should only have the same version number if his versioning of the
binary is going to *follow* the versioning of the library.  The library
major version *must* be incremented every time the ABI changes
incompatibly, and should not be changed when the ABI has not changed.

Since ABI changes don't necessarily correspond to major milestones in an
application's development, most people prefer to not use this approach to
versioning their application.

> On one hand I have the example of avifile-player version,
> which depends on libavifile0 version 0.7. OTOH, we have aspell version
> which depends on libaspell10 version 0.33.7

In both cases, the number that's part of the package name should indicate
how many times the ABI has changed.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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