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Re: Safe removal of a user while purging

Magnus Ekdahl:

> "...Note, however, that the postrm cannot rely on any non-essential packages
> to be present during the purge phase...." (deluser isn't essential).
> If there aren't any way, is this script safe enough?

Why not just run the regular account deletion, and post an error
message if it fails? That what I do in a similar situation

  # Remove 'lyskom' user
  getent passwd lyskom > /dev/null || userexist=0
  if test "$userexist" = "1"; then
    # User did exist
    echo 'Removing lyskom user.'
    deluser lyskom || echo 'Could not remove lyskom user'

I don't think trying to mess with the things manually is a good idea.
It's not the end of the world if the account remains after purge if a
note has been posted about it, imho.

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