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Re: Library packaging

Jamie Wilkinson <jaq@debian.org> cum veritate scripsit:

> So, as I understand it, there's an _incompatible_ API change (and thus
> requiring a SONAME change) when:
> * function prototypes (incl names) that are exported are changed or obsoleted
> * structs change or are obsoleted
> I think I can see a way to check for both cases, given the old and new
> library and header file...  I'll keep you posted.

Generally, if a non-comment portion of a header file changes, 
it would be almost safe to assume that the interface has changed.

There could, however, be changes in the source
which does affect.

I don't know if there could be a systematic way to do it.
Warning might be possible, but not strict and real checking.

Lintian won't be able to do this, because lintian only has access
to one version of source at the time.

dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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