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how to modify configure.in to check for libglade

hi all,

i'm trying to make a debian package for xmleditor, but
./configure fails when it check for header glade.h,
since glade.h is in /usr/local/libglade-1.0/glade NOT

it was pointed out to me that i should use the output
of 'gnome-config --cflags libglade', which gives the
correct path, to test for the availability of glade.h.

below is the output of gnome config:
yakko:$ gnome-config --cflags libglade
-I/usr/include/libglade-1.0 -I/usr/include/gnome-xml

the question is how do i modify configure.in to run
gnome-config first and then check for glade.h?  

currently configure.in has the check:
AC_CHECK_HEADER( glade/glade.h,,  \
	AC_MSG_ERROR(glade/glade.h not found.)


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