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Re: Weird segfaults of tama, when compiled with -O2

> Maybe this is a silly thing to ask, but which gcc did you try it with? 
> I've had programs that would behave differently when compiled with
> gcc272, gcc 2.95 or gcc-3.0.

2.95. But it had nothing to do with it. Andrew Suffield pointed the
bug out, which was pretty obvious (shame on me I didn't notice): in
status.c, there was a buffer (char tmp[MAXNAME]), which got overflown
if the age of the tamagotchi exceeded 99 hours (my tamagotchi is far
older than that), that's why no-one could reproduce it except me :)

tama 1.0-12 is in preparation.

Gergely Nagy \ mhp/|8]

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