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Re: Security upgrade for potato by new major version and distro change?

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>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Schulze <joey@finlandia.infodrom.north.de> writes:

    Martin> Christian Hammers wrote:
    >> Hi
    >> As MySQL has a bad security problem and is accordingly to a @mysql.com person
    >> no longer supported in potato's version my only chance is to build the latest

    Martin> What do you want to express?  The security problem is no longer supported
    Martin> in the potato version?  Fine. :)

    >> (and not at least officially announced as stable) version 3.23.31 for potato.

    Martin> You should always be able to backport a patch.  If not,
    Martin> I'm sorry, but that this should be one quality of a Debian
    Martin> maintainer, you lack something...

There are patches that simply cannot be backported.  There are others
that are hard to backport even for the upstream maintainers who are
*deep* into the code.

So demanding of a "packager" to "always be able to backport" is too

[I find it hard not to get as slightly ad-hominem as you got, Joey :-|]


Bye, J

PS: I do agree that people should be able to understand the language
their package is written in.  But understanding it and backporting
something is *very* different.

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard    juergen.erhard@gmx.net   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
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