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Re: splitting a package into several debs

On 03-Nov-2000 Christian T. Steigies wrote:
>> I've been packaging it with the help of deb-make into one package, but now I
>> want to split it into several packages (maybe binary, libraries, devel and
>> docs+examples, or at least binary, devel and data) and would like to know
>> what
>> is the best way to do this. One obvious way is splitting the install and
>> then
>> choose the correct contents for each package, but that doesn't seem to be a
>> very smart approach, looks more like a package butcher...
>> Any help? any pointers?
> I think the easiest was is to start packaging it again (keep a copy of your
> old package!) and select library or multiple binaries. The you have to play
> a little with the rules file to get things sorted out. Maybe you have a look
> at how other people are doing it. When I made my first library deps, I did
> not understand and never got to work what dh_make proposed in debian/rules,
> I did it differently and it works and I understand why. The easiest way is
> to look at other packages, there are so many ways and everybody does it
> different, you have to find your own style. Ie some packages are using the
> doogie build system (most prominent is xfree, but also apache and many
> more), which rocks, but which I find hard to understand, since it lacks
> documentation. If you just want to have multiple binaries, libs, docs and
> devel packages, you should be fine with dh_make. 
> If you want to compile binaries from the same or similar source to go into
> different packages, you might want to look at the dbs or invent something
> similar.

Thank you for the tips. I think I will repack it again playing with libraries
or multiple binaries options, and then changing the debian/rules. I will do it
with a smaller package, because guppi takes about 40 minutes tu build :( too
much for testing purposes.

Of course I will have a look at packages with a similar structure to try to
figure out how everything works in the rules.

Thank you very much,


Cesar Talon         email: <Cesar Talon <cesar.talon@uam.es>>
Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas / Dpto.Física de la Materia condensada
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid / Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 397 4756 /  Fax:   +34 91 397 3961

I own seven-eighths of all the artists in downtown Burbank!


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