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Proposing debugging aid in scripts


Since I begun using debconf I had very much problems because my scripts 
suddenly were completely silent as I removed all the nice "echo"
commands that before told me what was going on.

To solve this problem (verbose for me, no output for users), I started 
inserting the following line in all my postinst/preinst etc. scripts:


This helped me very much. Does anybody has similar tricks, too ? 



Linux - the choice of the GNU generation.          Join the Debian Project 
Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
50 3C 52 26 3E 52 E7 20  D2 A1 F5 16 C4 C9 D4 D3  1024/925BCB55 1997/11/01

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