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Can someone NMU chimera for me?

Hi all,

I filed a bug a long time ago against chimera about there being a new
upstream version (a new patchlevel, really.) It's 79 days old and I
haven't heard anything. I wish I could NMU it, but I am not a
developer and do not have a verified PGP key. Can someone take the
stuff at http://members.home.com/decklin/chimera/ and do an NMU for
me? I would be eternally grateful ;)

Oops -- wait, I just realized the Debian version should be -0, not -1.
OK, so I need someone to volunteer to:

 - get my source packages
 - Replace my name in the changelog (and fix the revision number)
 - Build it with their key
 - upload it to incoming.

All right, it's finished downgrading and re-upgrading in the
background now. Tell me if it works for you. I'll do anything to get
brownie points from the new-maintainer team... ;-)

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