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Re: packaging GnuDIP ....

Randolph Chung wrote:
> hmm... even though the package will *fail* installation without them?

Well in that case, no. What does it do during installation that uses them?

> maybe i'll use this -- please let me know if it makes sense:
> Depends: perl | mysql-base 
> Recommends: cron | httpd | mysql-server | bind | libdbi-perl | libdbd-mysql-perl 

I think you want to tr/|/,/ on that.

You can lose the perl dependancy if it will run with only perl-base
installed. (Which it probably will unless it uses lots of perl modules).

> Rationale: it needs perl and mysql-base (mysqladmin) to install (and
> definitely needs perl to run). All the other parts are needed to run the
> program, but are not necessarily on the same machine, or, in the case of the
> lib*perl packages, might have been installed by the user as separate CPAN
> packages.

Generally installing stuff direclty from CPAN is not supported - if you have
to you can use equivs or something to let dpkg know you have a local
version. So I'd make those into dependancies.

How can cron be used if it's not on the same machine?

see shy jo

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