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Re: Merging Packages

I think, if you check with Marcelo's messages.. he's not orphaning the
packages.. just will have no connectability for a while and was looking for
someone to NMU it... if that's the case, I'd contact him before making such
as drastic change...

On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 08:33:36PM -0500, Chris McKillop wrote:
> Hello everyone...
> 	I have a question.  I have recently taken over from Marcelo the
> WindowMaker packages.  In the past these packages have been split between
> wmaker, wmaker-plain, wmaker-kde, wmaker-gnome.  I want to merge all
> of these packages together.  (this does not mean that wmaker is dependant
> on gnome or kde, has it is just support for window manager hinting for
> both of these environments, the total cost is less then 50K in the 
> executable).
> 	I have changed the control file to have the following lines.
> Replaces: wmaker-superfluous, wmaker-traditional, wmaker-sound, wmaker-kde, wmak
> Conflicts: wmaker-superfluous, wmaker-traditional, wmaker-sound, wmaker-kde, wma
> Provides: wmaker-kde, wmaker-gnome, wmaker-plain
> 	Now, when I build the new combined wmaker deb with all of the previous
> debs installed (wmaker, wmaker-plain, wmaker-kde, wmaker-gnome) it complains
> about a conflict.  First, dpkg checks the wmaker-kde package and determins 
> that it can remove it without a problem, but when it hits the wmaker-gnome
> package it screams about wmaker and wmaker-gnome being conflicting packages
> and halts the install.  
> 	I cannot explain to myself why wmaker-kde would get processed
> correctly and wmaker-gnome does not.  Any ideas?  Do you need more information?
> 	chris
> -- 
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> chris mckillop - cdm@debian.org    "The faster I go, the behinder I get."
> Debian GNU/Linux                                     -- Lewis Carroll 
> http://www.debian.org/              
> Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - http://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~warg/

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