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Request for assistance: netbase manpages

Hello world,

I'm not sure this is entirely on-topic, but on the offchance there are
a few wannabe developers sitting around on this list waiting for their
new-maintainer applications to be processed so they can start improving
Debian, I'll post anyway.

What I was wondering was whether anyone here would like to write some
manpages for some of the programs in netbase. In particular manpages for:

	* ipautofw(8) (Bug#31379)
	* ipmaddr(8) (Bug#33019)
	* iptunnel(8)
	* tracepath(8)

	* /etc/gateways(5) (Bug#23703) (documented somewhat in routed(8)
	  from netstd)
	* /etc/hosts(5) (Bug#37832)

	* hosts_access(5) (Bug#33085) (hosts_options(5)
	  is accurate for Debian's configuration rather than what's
	  documented in hosts_access(5) --- this needs to be a fair
	  bit clearer.)

...would be nice to have.

Unfortunately I have an aversion to writing manpages, and I'm currently
spending my netbase-related time working on other stuff. So, once again,
if you're just twiddling your thumbs and looking for something productive
to do...

a ``Operators are standing by'' j

Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. PGP encrypted mail preferred.

       ``There's nothing worse than people with a clue.
             They're always disagreeing with you.'' 
                                 -- Andrew Over

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