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Re: version numbers

On Tue, May 11, 1999 at 09:08:52PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
> Chrony-1.1 is out and I've packaged it to replace chrony-1.02 only to find
> that dpkg claims that 1.1 < 1.02.  What should I do?
Package it as version 1:1.1; next time package as 1:2.0.2, which will give
the ordering you're looking for.  (The 1: is an "era"; it won't normaly get
displayed.  Made for just this sort of thing.)

	-=- James Mastros
First they came for the fourth amendment, but I said nothing because I
wasn't a drug dealer. Then they came for the sixth amendment, but I kept
quiet because I wasn't guilty. Finally they came for the first amendment,
and by then it was too late to say anything at all." 
	-=- Nancy Lebowitz
cat /dev/urandom|james --insane=yes > http://www.rtweb.net/theorb/
ICQ: 1293899                   AIM: theorbtwo                  YPager: theorbtwo

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