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lintian errors dealing with /etc/init.d files

new version of debhelper or lintian or both is no producing a new
error for the package I'm working on.  I understand what's it's
saying but I can't figure out why it's saying it.

E: rrlogind: postrm-contains-additional-updaterc.d-calls /etc/init.d/rrlogind
E: rrlogind: unregistered-script-in-etc-init.d /etc/init.d/rrlogind

I'm using dh_installinit and the file name in debian/ is init.d and
it does install it properly and all.  dh_installinit creates 3
files during package creation and they look like this:


# Automatically added by dh_installinit
update-rc.d rrlogind defaults >/dev/null
/etc/init.d/rrlogind start
# End automatically added section


# Automatically added by dh_installinit
/etc/init.d/rrlogind stop
# End automatically added section


# Automatically added by dh_installinit
if [ "$1" = "purge" ] ; then
        update-rc.d rrlogind remove >/dev/null
# End automatically added section

I can't find other information to help me out with this error...is there
somewhere I can go that has more information on this or is this a new
undocumented thing?  

Ivan E. Moore II                                      Rev. Krusty
http://www.tdyc.com				 rkrusty@tdyc.com
 Imagination is more important than knowledge  - Albert Einstien
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