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Re: First package: A library

>>"Adam" == Adam P Harris <apharris@burrito.onshore.com> writes:

 Adam> Personally I think it's a bad policy to look at your directory
 Adam> name to determine your version number; too error prone and
 Adam> unforgiving of strange but useful conditions.

	I would, actually, call it a bug.

 Adam> I use the following to take version numbers from the changelog:
 Adam> SRC_VERSION := $(shell head -1 debian/changelog | cut '-d ' -f 2 | sed 's/[()]//g')
 Adam> [note the use of := instead of = as well; 'info make' for more info]

	Why not go one step further and use the acceted interface to

 SRC_VERSION := $(shell LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | sed 's/^Version: *//')

	I think this is more robust ;-)

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