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Re: Two Q: upstream & xforms

On Sun, May 24, 1998 at 12:50:29PM -0700, Darren Benham wrote:
> This message is in MIME format
> --_=XFMail.1.3.p0.Linux:980524125028:5888=_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> 1:
> I just took over xabacus as a package to maintain.  It seems like a simple/easy
> package to cut my teeth on.  However, when I went looking for the latest
> version of the program, the only thing I found was at ftp.x.org/contrib.. and
> the author on the copyright is different than the one in the deb package... and
> the version numbers are WAY different... any ideas what I should do?  I've
> already left a message to the author of the xabacus that I found and am waiting
> for an answer.

Is the version on ftp.x.org newer?  If so use that version, repackage
it and include the new copyright notice.

> 2:
> My email reader of choice is xfmail (in non-free).  Is it in non-free because
> of it's copyright.. or because of the copyright of the xforms library that it
> uses.  I read both copyrights and they both seemed to fit in with debian's
> policy of free software.  Could someone point out WHAT makes either xforms or
> xfmail "non-free"?  (I like the xforms library and much of what I've written
> for X is xforms and I'm worried they'll be relegated to non-free, in which
> case, I might want to rewrite them)

xforms is contrib because we don't have the source code or so.  
Please refer to its maintainer and to the copyright file inside.

If XFMail is based on it and has a DFSG complient license it may
go into contrib, too.



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/                    There are lies, statistics and benchmarks. /

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