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Re: Need advice on Bug#19020: mysql dev libraries are in the wrong place

> > Package: mysql-dev
> > Version: 3.21.25gamma-1
> >
> > This package puts all the .a libraries under /usr/lib/mysql.  The
> > standard place for these is simply under /usr/lib.  If the library
> > names are too general, then perhaps they should be renamed?
> >
> > Also, packages are now installing their include files directly under
> > /usr/include instead of /usr/include/subdir.  You should probably
> > move (at least the main include file) directly under /usr/include.
> Is this policy? I checked the policy manual and the fhs docs, but I
> couldn't find any clear answers. There are no other packages in hamm
> that put .a libraries into a subdirectory.
> I'd be inclined to simply take Brian's advice and move the files, but
> the upstream configure/Makefile.PL scripts for www-mysql and
> libdbd-mysql-perl expect to find mysql subdirectories for these
> files. Also, moving the files would break things like '#include
> <mysql/mysql.h>' (although I could only find one instance of that in
> packages that need mysql-dev to compile).

The location of the header files isn't really an important thing, I
think.  Some packages use subdirectories and some don't.  Tcl used
to use "tcl/..." but no longer does, which is why I guessed there
was a trend in that direction.

Mesa on the other hand uses the "GL/..." scheme, but this is documented
in the OpenGL Programming Guide.  The Tcl book puts it simply as <tcl.h>.
I don't know what the "official" mysql guide says, but you should go
with that.  It's minor because you just write "#include <mysql/mysql.h>"
in the source code.

The library location is a bit more of an issue.  If they are in a
subdirectory, then you can't use "-lmysqlclient" on the command line.
You need to find the directory that contains it and include a -L<dir>
option.  This quickly grows very annoying if you are linking multiple
libraries and each is in a subdirectory of its own.

As an additional point, having libs in subdirectories makes it very
difficult for utilities like "autoconf" to find them.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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