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Re: Why is "1" appended to package name?

In article <Pine.GSO.4.02.9809011725040.145-100000@breezy.tn.cornell.edu>, Ossama Othman <othman@astrosun.tn.cornell.edu> writes:

> Hi, When I ran deb-make on my package source, it appended a "1" to
> the package name in debian/control, for example.  Why does deb-make
> do this?

BTW, while debmake is supported and does work, you probably want to be
using debhelper rather than debmake.

I know, our new maintainer documentation is out of date -- we're
working on that!

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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