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Re: configuration file question

>>"Remco" == Remco van de Meent <rvdmeent@xs4all.nl> writes:

 Remco> The Packaging Manual states that one shouldn't touch the files
 Remco> listed in debian/conffiles in the debian/postinst script. OK,
 Remco> but I can't get that to work.

	I don't understand. What is it that you can't get to work? Not
 touching debian/conffiles? (that should be easy, right?)

 Remco> In postinst, I want the user to be able to change the contents
 Remco> of the conffile, /etc/webalizer.conf. This is done by some
 Remco> magic using sed. But what if there already is a
 Remco> /etc/webalizer.conf?

	You mean "what if there is already a user configured
 /etc/webalizer.conf?" (Oh, all right, I am being nit picky)

 Remco> Now the user gets asked to fill in the
 Remco> new values, though that isn't necessairy when upgrading. It
 Remco> just needs to be asked when installing.
 Remco> How do I do that?

	Easy. Create a variable of something like this:

	And while doing your sed magic, either remove the line, or
 replace "Not Yet" by "Yes" (I would prefer the first). Then, do
 nothing unless you find the line /^CONFIGURED=\"Not Yet\"/.

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