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Re: Config file format [may] change

James LewisMoss <dres@dimensional.com> writes:

> >>>>> On 17 Apr 1998 07:55:24 +0200, Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@tripnet.se> said:
>  Turbo> How to I 'force' a user to install the new one, when they
>  Turbo> upgrade? I'm thinking about dpkg's 'Okay to install new
>  Turbo> version (N is usually ok)' or what ever it exactly say...
> Or you can do like sysvinit and pop up a message in preinst that says
> something like 'If you don't allow the system to upgrade your <config
> file> things will break since the format of the config file has
> file> changed.  Please say Yes if it asks you whether to upgrade.'

This sounds like a better option to me... Then I don't have write a script
to get the options from the old, to put in the new... :)

 Turbo  ___________     Debian GNU/Linux   Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just
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