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How come that build does not create the dir '$DESTDIR/usr/doc/tcpquota',
but instead '$DESTDIR/usr/doc/BUGS' and there puts all the docs...?

 Turbo  ___________     Debian GNU/Linux   Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just
 ^^^^^  ___  /___(_)__________  _____  __  selective about who its friends are
        __  / __  /__  __ \  / / /_  |/_/
  _ /// _  /___  / _  / / / /_/ /__>  <   Turbo Fredriksson Tel: +46-704-697645
  \\\/  /_____/_/  /_/ /_/\__,_/ /_/|_|   S-415 10 Göteborg    turbo@tripnet.se
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