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Subsection doc

The policy manual does not have much to say about subsections.  2.1.7
simply says "Please check the current Debian distribution to see which
sections are available."  Is there a document discussing the purpose
of current subsections?

I suppose that subsection choice is usually obvious, but the use of
the doc subsection does not seem to be consistent.  doc contains
packages such as:

  libmpeg-doc -- This package includes TeX and PostScript documentation
                 detailing how the MPEG library works.
                 Install this package if you want to develop your own
                 programs using the MPEG library.
  make-doc --    This package contains the postscript and HTML
                 documentation for GNU Make.

but most *-doc packages (nearly 90% of them) live in the same
subsection as the package they document.  What is the criteria for
putting something in the doc section?

My specifics: I adopted the emacs-lisp-intro and elisp-manual
packages.  The former used to be in the doc subsection and the latter
used to be in the editors subsection.  When I uploaded the latest
versions of these packages, I put them both in the doc subsection, but
I am now having second thoughts.  Documentation in the same subsection
as the package it documents is easier to find.  Still, there is more
justification for them to be in the doc subsection than, say,
octave-doc, since they don't document the use of emacs itself.  (Both
elisp documentation packages are now in project/orphaned, and my new
packages are still sitting in Incoming, so it would be easy to
reupload a new version with a different subsection.)

Perhaps the subsection that the maintainers provide does not matter at
all when Guy decides where packages really belong.


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