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Re: [Help] New version of htslib does not build [EXT]

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 03:24:17PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > Does it have the ability to
> > specify a whitelist of known symbols, which can be written once and
> > then you're only notified when something new appears?
> Yes, that is the way it happens. We add in this symbols file because there
> are upstream projects that break the ABI without bumping SOVERSION, even in
> patch releases (!!)
> So this is the whole point of adding in that file. Another take is to
> also check which new symbols got added in new version.
> In case of htscodecs it broke the build because your new version added in
> AVX2/AVX512/SSSE3 etc. specific symbols which were not present in previous
> versions.
> These symbols (i.e. symbols above arch baseline) have been marked optional
> for now, so they don't choke on machines where this is not present.

So there is a mechanism at least for keeping the benefits from ABI
compatibility checking (which I totally agree is a useful feature),
while permitting known internal symbols.

As John points out, there is a difference between can-access and
should-access, which we control by the existance of public prototypes
in header files.  Failing ABI checking because of that basically it
falls into much the same category as failing when an internal only
structure changes layout.  The only difference is your tool can detect
one and not the other.  And indeed it's hard to not detect the former
(and vice versa the latter) so I see where the infrastructure is
coming from.

I do wonder though whether the ABI checker should be grepping for
symbols in the public headers to distinguish the two cases so at least
it can flag them to the maintainer as "may be internal".

> I agree with you. But I'd like to give you a bit more context.
> We are a few volunteers working in 1000+ packages just in the med team
> well.... err, even more if you add in a few more teams where we are involved.
> And it becomes humanely impossible to engage with upstream for each and every
> patch and each and every issue. We all are volunteers and have limited availability.
> While I don't mean to say that engaging with upstream is something we should't be
> doing -- we absolutely should be involved. But I hope this helps you understand
> the wider picture a little better.

I appreciate that, and assumed as much.

I don't think it necessarily requires much effort.  Just a
notification for "something you may be interested in".  In this case
the whole conversation has probably consumed more time than simply
raising an issue would have done.

> Honestly, I have not seen many library-only packages providing AVX based optimizations.
> Usually it is binary packages doing so, where there are no symbols file involved because
> there is no library.
> In other cases, I mark this optional. My guess is if you could hide in these symbols
> by marking this as private, that could help.
> I have added in @Etienne in case he has seen such libs earlier and would have some input.

I wasn't thinking about SIMD specifically, but the general principle
of marking things as internal only via e.g. gcc -fvisibility=hidden.

We have an m4 macro for this already in htslib so I could probably
just copy that.  However Debian build on many more systems than we
have available so I was just checking if there is experience /
guidance.  I guess if you don't find issues with this on htslib then
that's obviously sufficient. :)


James Bonfield (jkb@sanger.ac.uk)
The Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambs, CB10 1SA

 The Wellcome Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research 
 Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a 
 company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered 
 office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE. 

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