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Re: Upgrading biojava-live from 1.7 to 1.9

Le lun. 28 mars 2022 à 16:24, Pierre Gruet <pgt@debian.org> a écrit :

Hello everyone,

Recently I worked on biojava-live (locally, pushed nothing to Salsa),
which currently has version 1.7.1. Upstream is active and published
version 1.9.5 of this "legacy" biojava, which is still used by many
software: four reverse dependencies in Debian (alien-hunter, artemis,
logol, mauve-aligner), which cannot depend on modern biojava5-live
because classes have changed so much in between.

mmmm, biojava3, 4 etc... broke many things and required to create biojava3, biojava4 deb packages but we could expect that version 1 does not break things between versions....


I would like to upgrade to version 1.9.5, which would mean:
- keeping the same source package but pushing new binary package
libbiojava1.9-java to NEW, conflicting with and replacing
- making a source upload of the four reverse dependencies afterwards.

About this last point: I am able to build the four reverse dependencies
against this biojava 1.9.5, few changes are necessary: mainly the names
of the jars, which have changed between 1.7.1 and 1.9.5. Enclosed are
the source debdiffs of the needed changes for the four reverse dependencies.

Is it OK for you if I upgrade to 1.9.5 and then I take care of the
reverse dependencies?

that's fine for me 


I am explicitly CC-ing the current uploaders of biojava-live, and I plan
to add myself to this list of uploaders.

Best regards,


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