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Re: autopkgtest requiring large data sets (pique, hinge)

Hello Lance,

On 21/12/2021 14:33, Lance Lin wrote:
Debian Medical Team,

I have started looking at adding autopkgtest suites for a variety of packages. Two of the packages (hinge, pique) require very large data sets to run their included examples. The sizes are several GB. It also looks like they may be graphical in nature.

Thanks for working on adding tests to the packages. For sure this is always useful!

Is it permissible for autopkgtest suites to download such large amounts of data from the internet? Or should they be included in the repo?

Autopkgtests must be able to run on a minimal system with only the unpacked source tree, the dependencies of the binary packages, and no access to the Internet. This implies that one cannot rely on downloading while running the tests: the data that you use have to be included in the installed binary packages or to lie in the source tree.

If so, I am happy to continue to look at these packages to include some basic level of testing.

Yes please, making efforts to write tests is definitely worth it. From my experience, you might contact upstream developers to ask them for meaningful commands requiring no more data that the ones that are in the source tree. Friendly upstreams usually <ill try to answer!

Thank you!

As I don't have direct domain knowledge of the technology

Hope this is useful,



Lance Lin <lqi254@protonmail.com>
GPG Fingerprint:  8CAD 1250 8EE0 3A41 7223  03EC 7096 F91E D75D 028F

P.S.: I am CC'ing explicitly as I don't know if you subscribed to the debian-med list. Next time I won't, assuming you did.

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